Useful commands to work on Iridis4

Getting help

The login nodes on Iridis run a Linux operating system. Googling for things like

How to change directory in Linux

is likely to point you to a useful webpage. The terminal is called bash. So googling for how to do things in bash can also be useful.

Most linux command do have a man page that can be shown with

man <name_of_command>

You can navigate the man page similar to navigation in vi or more (see below).

Working with the file system

Changing the directory

The command to change directories is

cd <name_of_folder>

The filesystem on Iridis4 has two main parts:

  • /home - This filesystem should hold all your “valuable” files. It is regularly backed up.
  • /scratch - This filesystem is meant to store temporary files from your calculations and is not backed up.

The /home filesystem has a default quota of 100GB per user. On \scratch, the quota 1000GB.

There are a few handy tricks:

  • You can use ~ (tilde) as a shortcut to the home directory
  • Absolute paths start with /
  • You can use auto-complete by pressing <tab>

Listing directory content

The command to list the content of a directory is

ls <name_of_folder>

If ls is evoked without an argument, it shows the content of the current directory.

The most useful switches for ls are:

Switch Meaning
-a Shows all files including hidden files
-l Shows dates and file sizes as well
-h Uses output formats that are ‘human-readable’

Looking at files

There are a number of commands useful to print the content of files.

Command Meaning
cat <filename> Prints the entire content of a file to the terminal
more <filename> Prints the content of a file one page after another.
  “Space” advances a full screen; Return advances line-by-line
  “q” exits from displaying the file
head <filename> Only displays the first couple lines in a file
tail <filename> Only displays the last couple of lines in a file

Working with the job scheduler

Most calculations on Iridis4 will be done in ‘batch-mode’ (non-interactive). The cluster uses a batch scheduler called TORQUE. The most important commands are

Command Meaning
qsub Submits a new job to the queue
qstat Shows the status of submitted jobs
qdel Deletes a scheduled job

There are also a number of convenience scripts to submit standard jobs for the most often used programs. These generate a job script automatically. You can use

Command Meaning
vsub Generate a job running VASP
csub Generate a job running CRYSTAL14

The -h switch shows options for both scripts.

Submitting a vasp job

vsub -q test -w 01:00:00 -j O2_dimer

would generate a vasp job to be run on the ‘test’ queue asking for one hour of walltime (after which the job will be killed), and gives the job a name ‘O2_dimer’. If successful, the commands will show the requested resources and a job id that can be used to interact with the job:

Submitting job O2_dimer in folder /home/dk2u09/zhengxu/scratch/tutorial/O2_dimer
Requesting 1 nodes a 16 CPUs, 10gb memory, and 01:00:00 walltime
Submitted job O2_dimer with id 3557693.blue101

The qstat command allows to check the status of jobs in the queue. It shows a table with id, name, the queue, and the status of a job. The status is indicated by a single letter

Status Meaning
Q The job is queued and will execute later
R The job is currently running
C The job has completed
E The job is in error and needs attention
H The job is on hold. It will retain its position in the queue, but not execute

Copying things to/from Iridis4

The way to copy files from/to Iridis depends on your computer and operating system. If you use Putty (Windows), you find a tutorial here How to use putty. Mac OS and Linux have native support for copying files using the ssh protocol:

scp <username><path_and_filename_on_iridis> <local_filename>

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